Monday, June 23, 2008

Address change

In the event that anyone hsas stumbled here, be advised that my blog has a new home. Please visit.

Musing on Mortality

After much prompting from my son, i have entered the brave new world of blogging. I am told that i should blog since i have a lot to say about a lot things . Whether that is true only time will tell. Having said that , I have been thinking about the death of Tim Russert and the varied responses to it. I was not overly familiar with Mr Russert but his book Big Russ and Me caught my attention when it was published. About all that he and I shared was a common age; consequently his sudden death captured my attention . I have marveled at the outpouring of tributes and their depth of feeling. I will admit to thinking that were I to pass from the scene in a like manner, what would the response be. More on this as time goes on. As with anything i might say, comments are welcome.